Me and my Dream

                         Me and my Dream

       Dreams are nothing more than a collection of random images and thoughts, projected during sleep as a result of normal brain activity. These images don't follow any narrative structure, thanks to the pons, your brain's random dream generator.Dreams is tge thoughts of that things that you want to achive someday. Others want to be Engineer , Seaman , Teacher,  like me,  I want to be a surgeon.

My name is Cyrus James S. Oblero, 17 years old ,living in Alaminos City Pangasinan , Philippines.

   As I grow up my parents taught me the thins that will help me to achive my dreams ,  one the things and lesson they taught me is to be helpful , friendly and to workhard. Up untik now I carry their messgae and lesson to survive in my crucial situations.Being friedly helps me to socialize and seek for friends even though I'm in a new surroundings.Me being helpful has a lot of good things to do, helping someone feels so good and positive.Hardwork, as a student I need to workhard to achieve every dream I want to be.
    My ultimate dream is to become a surgeon.
A surgeon is a doctor who specializes in evaluating and treating conditions that may require surgery, or physically changing the human body. When I was 7 years old I got tetanus because I accidentally hit a rusty nail.So I'vs got confined for two weeks because I need to underho an operation to clean my massive wound.Thats the first time I met a doctors , nurses, and surgeons.That is the time that I think I want to be a surgeon someday.

    My second dream is to a have an Island resort . Because someday I want to relax at my own place that no one will tell me what to do,its perfect because my favourite place to relax is the place near at the seas.

       Watching northern lights is also my dream,because I always saw these scenery in movies.I think its peacefull watching and viewing this scenery in actual.

My favourite dream is to be a rich someday.Being rich, that I don't mind spending my money to help the  peroson who needs it, spending on the things that I want and my family want to buy.Being rich has its negative and possitive way.We just need to be intelligent on using our money and powers.

Having a high dreams are normal, they said that "dreaming is free", so just dream and dream,but ofcourse beside that dream we need to workhard to achieve it .We need to achieve it in the right way.For me I will use my lessons that I learned from the past. And use it to mold and achive my dreams.

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